About the Organisation

We Make Difference in their Life

Jeeva Anbalayam Trust (JAT) is a non-profit Volunteer Organization, working for the protection of disadvantage section in the society. JAT was started in 2003 for the welfare animal husbandry and agricultural sector. Latter on the trust extended its humanitarian service in the year 2008, by a team of social service minded persons who had realized the need to work towards the fulfillment of the destitute, marginalized and orphans (Women and Children) in the society. In the beginning, JAT key attention was to provide free supplementary education to the school going children. Identify the drop outs and enroll them into a regular school. Formation of SHGS and provide socio economic training program to equip themselves to do a small business. Rehabilitate and reunion the runaway children into their family are the few activities done for the welfare of the society. The Trust also focuses the community development program such as social action, awareness on public health issues, sensitization meeting for public to protect the environment and agricultural sector, women empowerment, skill development for children and youth empowerment, among the target community. In the year 2001, Jeeva Anbalayam Trust started a Home for destitute old age persons at Madurai District and it is registered under the District social welfare board. These old age people are sheltered and accommodated with all amenities. These old age people are supported with essential needs like healthy food, counseling, medication, and recreational activities in a friendly environment.

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Founder and Managing Trustee

I Mr. A. John Milton M.A.(PM&IR) M.A.(SW) started my carrier in the year 2000 into the field of Social Work. I worked as a project coordinator in a reputed NGOs who is working for street children till 2003. Basically, I had a love with nature and domestic animals. To do welfare for the domestic animals and protect the environment and enhance the agricultural sector, an NGO named ANBALAYAM was formed in the year 2003. Latter on the name was changed into JEEVA ANBALAYAM in the year 2008 with humanitarian objectives to serve the human kind.

During my journey in social service I had come across may obstacles, challenges and issues while implementing various projects and welfare schemes for the development of women and children in our target areas. I had received many appreciation award from different association. Though I had a rich experience in handling various proposal, training and attended various national and international meeting, advocacy with higher officials in the government sector and corporates sector, I felt that I had missing something which I could contribute better to the society. While thinking of this, an old lady approached me for food. She was an abandonment woman neglected by society which was inspired me to start an old age home for senior citizens in Madurai District for the benefit of rural neglected old age community.

The trust has a well-equipped cum service minded board members, and have a helping minded volunteers to support the trust in all aspects.

The trust will not show any hesitant to receive delighted assistance from women, children, and youths from the target community. The Trust will be given equal importance of their thoughts while enacting any policy or program for the development of community.

I welcome the donors who can support our program by way of encashment, materials, volunteers support as timely needed.

Ready to help you

Our Team

Sarah Albert


Kevin Martin


Jeesica Brown


Let’s Make a Difference in
the Lives of Others